Sunday, September 25, 2016

09 - Legal & Regulation Updates - India

 Compliance Watcher

SEBI – Master Circular for Mutual Fund
The Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), has issued a Master Circular dated September 14, 2016, for Mutual Funds. This master circular is a compilation of all circulars issued by SEBI on mutual funds which are in operation as on date i.e. September 14, 2016.

SEBI - Standardization and Simplification of Procedures for Transmission of Securities
The Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), vide a Circular dated September 15, 2016 has modified Clause 2 of Annexure A, of the circular dated October 28, 2013 pertaining to requirement of documents for securities held in physical mode and which are held in single name without a nominee.

IRDAI- On-line examination for Surveyors and Loss Assessors.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) vide circular dated September 15, 2016 has decided to conduct on-line examination for grant of license for Surveyors and Loss Assessors from the next financial year i.e. FY 2017-18.

Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2016
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare via notification dated August, 23rd  2016 has issued Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2016  to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011.

In Regulation 2.4 of Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011:

  • Sub-regulation 2.4.4 relating to “Labelling of Irradiated Food” shall be omitted.
  • The Sub-regulation 2.4.5 relating to “Specific Labelling Requirements of other Products” shall be re-numbered as 2.4.4

Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Seventh Amendment Regulations, 2016
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare via notification dated September 5, 2016 has issued Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Seventh Amendment Regulations, 2016 amending the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011.

Central Motor Vehicles (10th Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, via notification dated September 14, 2016, has issued the Central Motor Vehicles (10th  Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
  • In Rule 124A, Sub-rule (2), after the first proviso, the following proviso is inserted:
  • In Rule 126, in the first proviso, after the words “as amended from time to time” occurring at the end the following words, letters, figures and brackets shall be inserted: “and information on technical specifications shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer in accordance with AIS-007(Rev.5):2014”

Central Motor Vehicles (11th Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, via notification dated September 16, 2016, has issued the Central Motor Vehicles (11th  Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
  • In Rule 115, Sub-rule (2) in clause (i) and clause (ii) “in the proviso, for the entry “Bharat Stage-IV”, wherever it occurs, the entry “Bharat Stage IV or Bharat Stage VI ” shall, respectively, be substituted”.
  • “Sub-rule (7) in the proviso, for the entry “Bharat Stage-IV”, the entry “Bharat Stage IV or Bharat Stage VI ” shall be substituted. “
  • In Rule 115, after Sub-rule (17) the following sub-rules shall be inserted:
  • “18) (i)The Emission Standards for Bharat Stage VI (BS-VI) for category M and N vehicles having Gross Vehicle Weight not exceeding 3500kg, manufactured on or after 1st April 2020 for all models.”

Drugs (Price Control) Amendment Order, 2016
The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, through a Order dated September 15, 2016, has fixed the ceiling prices of 18 Scheduled formulations of Schedule-I under Drugs (Price Control) Amendment Order, 2016 and Retail price of 21 formulations under DPCO, 2013.

NSE & BSE - Clarification by SEBI regarding Revenue Recognition and Excise Duty
The National Stock Exchange (“NSE”) and Bombay Stock Exchange (“BSE”), have issued clarification letters dated September 20, 2016 with respect to circulars issued by Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) dated November 30, 2015 and July 5, 2016. The SEBI circulars were issued, pertaining to ‘Formats for publishing financial results’ and ‘Revised Formats for Financial Results and Implementation of Ind-AS by Listed Entities’ respectively.

In consonance to the above said Circular and Notification, SEBI issued another Circular dated July 5, 2016, stating that in case of any technical difficulty in interpretation of the formats or implementation of this Circular, listed entities shall be guided by the relevant provisions of the Ind-AS Rules / AS Rules and Schedule III of the Act.

SEBI - Consolidated Account Statement
The Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), vide a Circular dated September 20, 2016 has partially modified Clause A of Circular dated March 18, 2016 pertaining to half-yearly Consolidated Account Statement (“CAS”).

As per the Circular dated September 20, 2016, a mention may be made in half-yearly CAS indicating that the commission disclosed is gross commission and it does not exclude costs incurred by distributors such as service tax (wherever applicable, as per existing rates), operating expenses, etc.

Further, an indicative format providing guidance on the key components which shall be reflected in CAS is attached.

The provisions of this Circular will be effective for CAS issued from October 01, 2016.

SEBI - Staggered delivery, early delivery system, early pay-in facility, penalty on delivery default, fixation of FSP and changes in expiry dates
The Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), vide a Circular dated September 21, 2016 has consolidated and updated the norms for early delivery as well as pay-in facility and penalty on sellers in case of delivery default which were prescribed for National Commodity Derivatives Exchanges by the erstwhile Forward Markets Commission (“FMC”). It has also put in place measures such as staggered delivery system, fixation of final settlement price (“FSP”) and change in expiry date.

Central Motor Vehicles (Twelfth Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, via notification dated September 21, 2016, has issued the Central Motor Vehicles (Twelfth  Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

  • In Rule 125(C ), Sub-rule (1) the proviso is substituted-
“Provided that the provision of this rule shall be implemented in two phases.
  • In first phase, the provisions of AIS 052(Rev. 1) – 2008, excluding the parameters and requirements given in Table-1, shall be applicable on and after 1st day of January, 2017.
  • In second phase, the provisions of AIS-052(Rev. 1) – 2008, as amended from time to time, and the parameters and requirements given in (Table-1), shall be applicable on and after 1st day of January, 2018.”

Employees State Insurance Corporation- Achievements/Initiatives during past two years
The Employees State Insurance Corporation via press release dated September, 15th 2016 has stated the achievements/Initiatives of ESIC during past two years.

ESIC has taken a number of new initiatives in order to extend the social security coverage of ESI Scheme and to improve the medical care being provided under the ESI Scheme.

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPAA) - draft version of 19 Proposed Price Calculation Sheets
Via Office Memorandum dated September 21, 2016 NPPA has released the draft version of proposed price calculation sheets for 19 proposed revised/notified ceiling price/retail price on the website of NPPA. Draft of 19 calculation sheets based on Pharma Trac data are uploaded on the website.

All the companies aggrieved by NPPA’s proposed price fixation, can make representations against the proposed ceiling price/retail price by submitting documents /information of price to retailer (PTR) and Moving Annual Turnover (MAT) data along with supporting documents like copies of sample invoices to retailer and samples of August, 2015 duly attested with name, designation, mobile no, signature and seal of the authorized officer of the company along with the summary of all the invoices issued during the month of August 2015 (giving details like Invoice No. , Date, Name of Distributor, & Retailer, quantity, pack size, PTR (excluding VAT), Discounts/Free goods, (if any) and copies of supporting Form V/IPDMS, within 10 working days to NPPA in order to take necessary action in this regard.

Central Drugs Standard Control Organization-Online portal SUGAM
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization Directorate General of Health Services, has issued a Notice dated September 21, 2016 relating to implementation of e-Governance on launching of the portal.

The Portal is intended for filing applications for various services rendered by CDSCO. In first phase filing of applications import and registrations of drugs, Medical devices were launched. Now the service is being extended to applications of BA/BE NOC for export.

Further it is decided to convene a meeting with all stakeholders i.e., firms involved in applications of BA/BE NOC for Export, to attend the said meeting to be held on 23rd September 2016 at 10.30 AM, FDA Bhawan, New Delhi for their inputs, in order to streamline the online system for BA/BE NOC.

Drugs and Cosmetics (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Health and Family welfare  via notification dated September, 21st   2016 has issued the Drugs and Cosmetics (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

  • In Schedule D(I), in item 2, for “sub-item 2.3” the following is substituted-

“2.3 A copy of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate as per WHO – GMP guidelines or Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products (CPP) or written confirmation for active substances exported to European Union which is equivalent to GMP certificate issued as per WHO – GMP guidelines, by the National Regulatory Authority of the country of origin or a copy of the certificate equivalent to GMP certificate as per WHO GMP guidelines issued by National Regulator of United States of America or Japan or Australia or Canada or the European Union for the purpose of marketing of the drugs in their country, in relation to bulk drugs or formulations or special product meant for import into India.”

Sunday, September 18, 2016

08 - Legal & Regulation Updates - India

 Compliance Watcher

MCA notifies ‘Companies (Mediation and Conciliation) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs “(MCA)”, via Notification dated September 9, 2016 has notified the ‘Companies (Mediation and Conciliation) Rules, 2016 “(Rules)” which shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

Relaxation of additional fees for filing IEPF 1
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs “MCA”, through a General Circular dated September 12, 2016 has clarified that Companies that have not filed the requisite information in Form 1 INV can now file the information in new Form IEPF 1 (which replaces earlier Form 1 INV) after the notification of ‘Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016’ with effect from September 7, 2016.

MCA: Amendments in Schedule V of Companies Act 2013
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”), vide its notification dated September 12, 2016 has made the following amendments in Schedule V of the Companies Act 2013 which deals with “Conditions to be fulfilled for the Appointment of a Managing or Whole time Director or a Manager without the approval of the Central Government”.

Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) (Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Coal, through a notification dated August 31, 2016 has issued the Mines the Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) (Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015.

Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Act, 2016
The Government of Bihar via notification dated September 2nd 2016 has issued the Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Act, 2016 to provide for facilitating the promotion and development of investment in Bihar.

Directions under Section 16(5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has issued a notice dated September, 9 2016 for direction under Section 16(5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 regarding Regulations 2.2.2(3) and 2.6.1(3) of the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and labeling) Regulations, 2011.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

07 - Legal & Regulation Updates - India

 Compliance Watcher

IRDAI- Clarifications on Transitory Provisions under section 64 UM(3) read with regulation 27 of The IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors) Regulations, 2015
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) vide circular dated September 7, 2016 has issued clarification on transitory Provisions under section 64UM(3) read with regulation 27 of The IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors) Regulations, 2015.

SEBI: FAQs on Know Your Client (“KYC”) norms for Offshore Derivative Instruments (“ODI”) subscribers, transferability of ODIs, reporting of suspicious transactions, periodic review of systems and modified ODI reporting format
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), has issued FAQs on September 01, 2016 and provided clarifications with respect to the circular dated June 10, 2016 issued by it on the above cited subject. The brief points covered by these FAQs are as follows:

MCA notifies certain provisions of Companies Act 2013 relating to Unpaid Dividend Account and IEPF
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs “MCA” , through a Notification dated September 5, 2016 notified the following provisions pertaining to Unpaid Dividend Account and Investor Education and Protection Fund of the Companies Act 2013.

SEBI Restrictions on Promoters and Whole-Time Directors of Compulsorily Delisted Companies Pending Fulfilment of Exit Offers to the Shareholders
The Securities Exchange Board of India “SEBI”, has vide a circular dated September 7, 2016 amplified certain restrictive provisions on Companies, Promoters and Whole Time Directors in addition to those restrictions specified under Regulation 23(3) and 24 of the SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations 2009.

Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2016
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare via notification dated August, 23rd 2016 has issued Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2016 to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011.

Internet broadcasting/streaming companies fall under the ambit of the Copyright Act, 1957
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (‘DIPP’) has clarified that internet broadcasting companies fall within the purview of section 31 D of the Copyright Act 1957. Section 31 D of the 1957 Act requires organizations to have a statutory license for the purpose of broadcasting of literary and musical works.

IRDAI- Amendment in IRDAI’s (Registration and Operations of Branch offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd’s) Regulations, 2015
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) vide circular dated September 2, 2016 has issued draft on amendment to Regulation 16(c), 28(2), 28(5) and 28(7) of IRDAI’s (Registration and Operations of Branch offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd’s) Regulations, 2015 dealing with Investment requirements.

RBI - Merchant Discount Rates (MDR) structure – unbundling of charges
The Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) through a notification dated September 1, 2016 has advised all banks to keep greater transparency in merchant discount rates (MDR) applicable at merchant level.

Operationalization of Food Safety and Standards (Food Import) Regulations, 2016
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has issued a notice dated September, 2 2016 for Operationalization of Food Safety and Standards (Food Import) Regulations, 2016.

RBI - Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
The Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) has issued Master Directions on Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator. These directions provide a framework for the registration and operation of Account Aggregator in India.

Section 66 of The Motor vehicles Act
The Ministry of road Transport and Highways has issued a order dated August 30, 2016 that Section 66 of the Motor Vehicles act shall not apply to transport vehicle.

Examination for Safety and Efficacy of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs)
The Directorate General of Health Services Office of Drugs Controller General has issued a notice dated September 1, 2016 for Examination for Safety and Efficacy of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) licensed for manufacture for sale in the country without due approval from office of DCG (I).

RBI - Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company –Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
The Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) has issued Master Directions on Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company (NBFC-ND) applicable to every Non Banking Financial Company’s (NBFC’s).

RBI - Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
The Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) has issued Master Directions on Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCND-SI) and Deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC-D) applicable to the following.

Gujarat VAT- Single common log in id for tax payers under various Acts in state of Gujarat

Finance department, Gujarat vide this notification has availed the facility of single common log in id under Gujarat Value Added Tax Act, 2003, The Central Sales Tax Act, 1969, the Tax on Entry of Specified Goods into Local Area Act, 2001, Profession Tax Act, 1976, Entertainment Tax Act, 1977 & the Luxury Tax Act, 1977 from September 1, 2016 in the state.

Friday, September 2, 2016

06 - Legal & Regulation Updates - India

 Compliance Watcher

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority: Guidelines for Overcharging Cases
The National Pharmaceutical pricing Authority has issued Guidelines dated August, 19 2016 regarding identification and initiating action for recovery in cases of Overcharging by manufacturers and/or marketers under DPCO, 2013, DPCO, 1995 and DPCO, 1987.

Filing of Mandatory forms through IPDMS
The Ministry of Chemicals and fertilizers has issued a notice dated August 3, 2016 regarding the filing of mandatory forms through Integrated Pharmaceuticals Database Management System (IPDMS) under the provisions of DPCO, 2013 and discontinuation of submitting information in physical forms.

Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry via notification dated August, 5th 2016 has issued the Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006.

Drugs and Cosmetics (5th Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (Ayush) via notification dated August, 12th 2016 has issued the Drugs and Cosmetics (5th Amendment) Rules, 2016 to amend the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. In the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 Rule 161-B has been substituted.

Multi-State Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Rules, 2016
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (Department of Agriculture, Co-Operation and Farmers Welfare) has notified the Multi-State Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Rules, 2016.

Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013
The Ministry of Chemicals and fertilizers, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, through a Order dated August 17, 2016, has issued the Order to fix the prices of the scheduled formulations of drugs.

IRDA –Revival Option under discontinued Unit Linked Policies
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) vide circular dated August 26, 2016 has issued clarification on revival period applicable to policies under IRDA (Treatment of discontinued linked Insurance policies) Regulations, 2010.

Notice for seeking inputs/comments regarding Amendments of Chemical Accident Rules
The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change issued a notice dated August 8, 2016 for seeking inputs/comments regarding amendments of Chemical Accident Rules.

Clarification regarding online filing of returns by Exempted/Relaxed Establishments
The Employees Provident Fund Organization has issued a circular dated August 4th, 2016 regarding clarification on online filing of returns by Exempted/Relaxed Establishments.

Comply with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices
The Central Drugs Standards Control Organization has issued a notice dated August 26, 2016 to Comply with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices.

Upgradation of skill sets of persons employed in Pharma manufacturing units
The Central Drugs Standards Control Organization has issued a notice dated August 26, 2016 for upgradation of skill sets of persons employed in pharma manufacturing units.

Uttarakhand Vat- Uttarakhand Value Added Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 2016
Governor of Uttarakhand vide this notification has amended Uttarakhand Value Added Tax Act, 2005.

The Maharashtra Electricity Duty Act, 2016
The Government of Maharashtra via notification dated August 8th, 2016 has published The Maharashtra Electricity Duty Act, 2016 by repealing the existing Maharashtra Electricity Duty Act.